Get Your Brain Fog Resolved by the Expert at Functional Health KC

Dr. Melinda Griffin – An Integrative Practitioner in Overland Park

Holistic and Alternative Medicine

Dr. Melinda Griffin is an integrative practitioner located just outside of Kansas City in Overland Park. She offers an integrative approach to patient care that combines the best of traditional medicine and alternative medicine. With her holistic approach to patient care, she can provide you with the best possible outcome for your health.

Brain Fog | Integrative Medicine Doctor Overland Park | Kansas City Functional Medicine Testing and Assessment | Vitamins and Supplements | holistic | naturopathic | alternative | chiropractic

If you constantly feel like you’re living in a haze, it’s time to explore the benefits of functional medicine. Brain fog is a common symptom, but it’s not something you should have to learn to live with. Functional medicine takes a comprehensive approach, looking at everything from your environment to untreated chronic conditions. Some potential solutions may include changes to your diet, hormonal treatments, or medications. It could also be important to evaluate lifestyle habits that might be contributing to your brain fog. The good news is that there are solutions out there that can help you feel like yourself again.

  • Achieve greater physical and mental clarity for improved productivity
  • Reap the rewards of increased energy through personalized strategies
  • Find relief from chronic health issues that have been causing distress
  • Optimize your nutrition for improved overall health and vitality
  • Uncover hidden stressors that may be impairing your cognitive abilities

Testing and Diagnostics

At Functional Health KC, we understand the importance of testing and diagnostics. Dr. Griffin will use her extensive knowledge and experience to create a tailored treatment plan that is specific to your health needs. She will use a variety of testing and diagnostics to determine the best course of action for your health.

Brain Fog | Integrative Medicine Doctor Overland Park | Kansas City Functional Medicine Testing and Assessment | Vitamins and Supplements | holistic | naturopathic | alternative | chiropractic

Experienced Doctor

Dr. Griffin is an experienced doctor who has been providing exceptional patient care for many years. She is committed to providing the highest quality of care to her patients. With her experience in integrative and holistic medicine, she can help you find the best possible solution for your health needs.

Functional Medicine Cost of Care

Now that you have a better understanding of things you might discuss with your functional medicine doctor in the Kansas City area, let’s look at what it costs to see Dr. Melinda Griffin in her Overland Park office:

  • New Patient Consultation – $300
  • Review of Findings and Treatment Plan Appointment – $300
  • Follow Up Phone Consultations to monitor treatment progress will be billed at $300 per hour. Follow-up appointments are typically between 15-30 minutes. A follow-up phone call is recommended 2 weeks after beginning supplements, 4 weeks after beginning supplements, then monthly while the active treatment plan is taking place (approximately 6 months).
  • Patients should budget $500-$850 for Functional Medicine laboratory testing and $200-$300 per month for supplements.
  • Lab interpretation fee of $40 per laboratory test performed.**6 Month Package Available

Whichever route you choose, Dr. Melinda Griffin at Functional Health KC is here to help you with your gut health issues every step of the way. In addition to being able to help with functional medicine, you can schedule chiropractic and acupuncture visits in the same office. Dr. Mike and Dr. Melinda Griffin have a true passion for holistic wellness and are excited to help you with your health journey. To get started, contact us by filling out our contact form and setting an appointment.